Monday, January 14, 2013

Teething, UGH!

There is no pain like tooth pain (except, maybe labor). I can not fathom what these poor babies are really feeling while teething. Itty Bitty is in the process of cutting two new ones at the moment. It is a little known fact that redheads have a lower pain tolerance than others. Thanks for the genes Mom and Dad. Needles to say, my ginger babe is miserable right now. 

This post is dedicated to those things we love to help ease teething pain. Please comment with your favorite (natural) suggestions. 

Momma's Top Teething Solutions: 
  1. Hylands Teething Tablets: I know there has been some controversy over the use of Bella Donna, and ingredient in these tablets. I have done my research and am satisfied with the safety of this product. Not just satisfied. I love them. Hylands rock. 
  2. Baltic Amber: The stones are NOT to chew on. You really should not get the necklace/bracelet wet. Babies body heat causes the stones to release an acid that is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps relieve the pain and excess drooling. They must be in contact with the skin to be effective. Inspired by Finn is a great site to order from.   
  3. Celery/Carrot Sticks: Itty Bitty loves them right out of the fridge. I would only give this to older babies (6m+) and watch them VERY closely. 
  4. Mesh Feeder: I fill Itty's up with chunks of frozen apple, banana, or blueberries (the berries make a HUGE mess, FYI). You could even just used crushed ice. This really is a must have though. 
  5. Chamomile: I talked about Chamomile in a previous post. It is so great for soothing. Brew a bag of chamomile tea, soak a washcloth in it. Let the cloth cool in the fridge, then give to baby. 
  6. Sophie: yes, the $20 squeaky hunk of plastic. Worth every penny.
  7. Teething Biscuits: See below for a super yummy make at home recipe. 
  8. Nursing: It just solves every problem Itty Bitty has. She is a milk monster. I think the pressure on her gums is soothing also. 
So what are your tried and true solutions? 
I have a thing against most pre-packaged baby food. The wholesome, organic pre-packaged food I would buy is wayyyyy out of my budget. So I make a lot from scratch. These are my favorite teethers... Itty better watch out or Momma is going to eat all her cookies:

Vanilla Maple Teething Biscuits:
1 egg yoke (beaten)
3 tbsp pure maple syrup
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 tbsp oil (I like coconut)
1/4c milk (I use Almond)
1 tbsp oatmeal (baby cereal or ground)
1 c whole wheat flour 

1) Pre-heat oven to 350*F 
2) Blend first 5 ingredients, add oatmeal and flour
3) Turn dough onto a floured surface and roll thin
4) Cut into desired shapes (make sure they are little hand friendly... I use the top of a
    glass and just make circles)
5) Put on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake 15min  



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